The Client
The World Rowing Federation, FISA (from the French, Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Aviron) is the governing body of the sport of rowing. It is empowered by its 153 member National Rowing Federations, the National Olympic Committees and the International Olympic Committee to govern the sport of rowing.
The Challenge
FISA approached quattro media with a straight forward objective: increase the global media exposure of world rowing regattas.
On the operational side, FISA asked to coordinate the host broadcasters, produce live broadcasts from the World Cups, World Championships and European Championships.
Further, FISA engaged with us to generate media license income streams outside of Europe and consult FISA in all media-relevant issues.
Our Solutions
We implemented a news production team and a pro-active global news distribution strategy. The global media exposure has grown from 535 broadcast transmissions in 2010 to 24.000 transmissions in the 2018 season.
We have created a dedicated team for “World Rowing Productions” and steered the host broadcasting of major World Cups (Lucerne, Bled, Plovdiv, Poznan, Racice, Belgrade, London, Munich, Rotterdam and the World Championships (Sydney, Amsterdam, Aiguebelette, Linz).
We have been and will be in charge of the entire host broadcasting production of the FISA World Cups in Varese and Hamburg and the World Championships in Chungju/Korea (2013) , Sarasota/USA (2017) and Shanghai (2022).
We negotiated long-term license contracts with CCTV China, CBC Canada, Fox Australia, Fox Africa, Sky New Zealand, and Globosat Brazil.
Today, we consult FISA in all license contract negotiations - including the European Broadcast Union EBU contracts.
We help searching new graphics and data solutions and develop FISA’s media strategy 2022 and onwards.
We televised sprint regattas in Zürich, St. Petersburg and Shenzen and executed the first live production and distribution of the World Coastal Rowing Championships in Canada.
quattro media is also responsible for the media production and distribution of the World Coastal Rowing Championships in Hong Kong and the World Rowing Championships 2021 in Shanghai.