The Client
adidas and its global sports marketing department started working with quattro media in 2003, focusing on major outdoor sport events and media projects around the "adidas Outdoor Sports Team".
Today we are instructed by adidas TERREX and the marketing managers for the different sports in cooperation with the responsible agency Planet Talk GmbH.

The Challenge
adidas requested to create story concepts and content for kayaking, mountainbiking, climbing, bouldering, canyoning, paragliding, slacklining and other outdoor sports activities.
Our job has been to drive attention globally through all media outlets during the entire year.
adidas engaged with us to develop specified medialization concepts for the digital media landscape and also steer the productions.
Our Solutions
Production and global media push with a huge number of outdoor sport shows titled “adidas Outdoor Team” with more than 25.000 broadcasts
Athlete activation with Olympic athlete profiles and worldwide media cooperations
Conception and realization of all media products for the annual mountainbike event "adidas Slopestyle” including international live and post production (news, clips, teasers, 26 min shows)
Conception and realization of all media products for the “adidas Sickline” Extreme Kayaking World Championships for 10 years from 2007-2017 including international live and post production (news, clips, teasers, 26 and 52 min shows). Total reach: 2300 hours of broadcasting with 16.000 transmissions per year on television, online, out-of-home and digital channels.
We are the official media partner of the invitational indoor bouldering/climbing event "adidas Rockstars"since day one and helped to develop and execute the video product and distribution strategy. The media output results reflect our strong commitment and make the yearly event a great success
The new event "adidas Infinite Trail World Championships" underlines our strong partnership with adidas Terrex. From production services (cameras, Cineflex helicopter, directors), development of international video products to post production, we are engaged to create a massive global media output through the entire modern media eco-system.